Add the products you wish to order to the shopping cart by clicking on the Add to Cart button on the product page.
After filling the cart with the products you wish to purchase, go to the cart page and modify the quantity of products you wish. You can also leave a comment for us if you wish in the seller’s instructions box, then click on complete the purchase.
On the customer information page, fill in your information so that we can deliver the order to you, email, first and last name, address, city, contact number, knowing that the store is obligated to maintain the privacy of your information and customer information will not be shared except with shipping companies for the purpose of delivery.
Then click on the continue button to the shipping procedures.
On the shipping page, choose the shipping method that suits you, based on which the payment method is determined, as shown in the picture.
The discount code is also applied on this page if there is a discount code as in this picture.
After entering the code and clicking OK, the discount will be calculated as shown in the picture.
After choosing the shipping method and applying the discount code, if available, click on the Continue to Payment Method button. You will be transferred to the payment page where you choose the method of paying the purchase amount. There are two ways to pay the amount:
1- Payment upon receipt: This method is used in the event that the purchases will be delivered by an Afnan representative to the city of Riyadh, or Aramex (or BK Logistics) to the rest of the cities of the Kingdom, where the purchase amount is collected upon its arrival to you by the representative or shipping employee.
2- Bank transfer: This method is for all cases and methods of delivery and is the cheapest, as the purchase amount is first transferred to the account of the Afanin Store Foundation in Al Rajhi Bank, and then the transfer receipt number is photographed or sent via WhatsApp to the number +966552070558, after which the order will be prepared and sent to you in the way you chose.
After choosing the appropriate payment method, click on “Complete the order” so that the order reaches us. Then we will prepare the order and you will be contacted by the shipping companies or the representative so that the order reaches you.
Finally, we are happy to receive your inquiries and contact us via email or via WhatsApp on +966552070558.
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