Organic Magnesia Sea Salt is a balanced salt that is compatible with the body, and it contains important minerals; therefore, it has many benefits for the body, including:
Research centers have proven that it does not raise blood pressure after taking it, for several reasons:
Low concentration of sodium compared to other types of salt.
It contains magnesium, which softens blood vessels.
It contains potassium, which is important for providing water balance in the body.
It maintains the strength of the gums and teeth if you gargle before bed with water in which magnesium salt is dissolved.
It contains magnesium chloride, which is an important mineral salt for the body and is considered by the French scientist Deplebaze to be a miracle drug. It is used to treat many conditions, including the beginnings of polio, high blood pressure, and as an external ointment for skin diseases.
It is considered a supporter of cell function because it contains about 100 important minerals that the body’s cells need, and therefore it is considered a general tonic for the body.
It is considered a preventive factor against diseases, God willing, as it helps to maintain the alkaline-acid balance in the body and get rid of acidity at the cellular level. “Therefore, it is considered one of the means that combat the formation of a pathological environment in the body.”
It helps dissolve excess mucus in the digestive and respiratory systems. For example, if it is added to soup, it helps cleanse the lungs and bronchi of phlegm.
It strengthens and tightens the body's muscles, as it contains important minerals such as magnesium.
It is beneficial for diabetics because it increases the body’s ability to retain water, because if salt is lost, the concentration of water in the body decreases.
It strengthens the ability to metabolize at the cellular level (converting glucose into energy that the body needs in its life).
It regulates the heartbeat and helps balance blood pressure. This has been scientifically proven in research centers, unlike refined salt, which increases the heartbeat.
It helps regulate blood sugar, facilitating the movement of blood cells and reducing blood acidity, the main cause of type 1 diabetes.
It helps strengthen electrical conduction in the nervous system, which is important for brain cells and the central nervous system.
It helps in the absorption of food in the intestines and increases the strength of the stomach and its appetite in moderation.
It is considered a natural antihistamine that usually increases as a reaction of the body when suffering from allergies.
Helps reduce muscle cramps due to its magnesium content.
It reduces excessive saliva production, especially during sleep.
It helps in avoiding gout because it fights blood acidity.
It reduces the occurrence of varicose veins and the appearance of capillaries on the skin because it facilitates blood movement.
It prevents the appearance of a drooping chin because it strengthens the salivary glands.
It reduces the incidence of osteoporosis because it contains minerals important for bones.
It helps in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, as it was found that the loss of natural sea salt in food delays the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder cases.
Important to withstand the summer heat; as daily consumption of a cup containing a small amount of natural magnesium sea salt makes the human body more able to withstand the heat to compensate for the minerals it loses in the summer.
Treating some types of throat swelling if gargled regularly with water in which magnesium salt is dissolved.
Take stress away from your legs with a warm sea salt bath, helping you relax after a hard day's work.